OJC Turns 3 In 2022!
OJC is officially three! Though the road to success is not always linear, I can honestly say after three years in business, this has been one of the most rewarding journey's I could have ever hoped for.
For those of you who are new to my world, I quit my dream job and founded this business in 2019 with one clear vision in mind – to empower ambitious CEO’s in the health, beauty, fashion and lifestyle industry and transform them into cult-brands.
My inspiration has always been my family and my passion for women pursuing their career ambitions simultaneously with motherhood…it was my motivation to keep me going whenever I needed a dose of inspiration. I persevered through all the ups and downs including growing my own business, and my clients businesses through COVID.
If you haven’t already, you can read more about my full business story here.
Every step of the journey is memorable and there’s honestly been too many favourite moments to list, but to name a few:
- We have successfully helped generate over $45,000,000 in sales for consulting clients in the health, beauty, fashion and lifestyle industries during the pandemic.
- We were recognised with 14x awards for Olivia Jenkins Consulting based on our own business success and the continued success of our clients, year in and year out.
We have helped our clients reach extraordinary milestones based on their business growth including hitting 8-figure years, retiring husbands from their jobs and into lifestyle businesses and ultimately more time and financial freedom than our clients ever imagined possible.
As a service provider, my clients are at the centre of everything I do. I never started this business to be the biggest consultancy or agency in Australia - I’m not interested in being the biggest, I’m focused on being the best. Client experience is everything to me and it's my mission to build an incredible relationship with each and every client.
Looking back to where OJC is now, it truly has been an amazing three years as I witness my vision coming into reality and seeing my clients experience so much success.
This is just the beginning for OJC, there’s still so much impact I would like to make in this world and I'm looking forward to revealing some exciting projects we have been working on with you in early-2023.
Again I want to thank my amazing clients who place their faith in me with their beautiful brands, my incredible support team who works behind the scenes and of course, my supportive family – all of this is not possible without each and every one of you.
The road to success is paved with obstacles, it won't be easy and neither is it meant to be. But it will be worthwhile if you persist and stay aligned with your vision. One thing I always want to impart to aspiring new business owners out there is that you can start, grow and scale a business successfully with the right strategies, hard work and determination – you just have to start.
And if things aren’t clicking in your business and you are needing help from an expert, I'm here for you. Learn more about my services and how my success can be possible for your online business!
In the meantime I’m off to celebrate with some bubbles. Happy 3rd birthday OJC!🥂
x Olivia