5 Best Practices for Creating Powerful Ads in 2023, From a 14x Award-Winning Digital Marketing Consultant

5 Best Practices for Creating Powerful Ads in 2023, From a 14x Award-Winning Digital Marketing Consultant

5 Best Practices for Creating Powerful Ads in 2023, From a 14x Award-Winning Digital Marketing Consultant

5 Best Practices for Creating Powerful Ads in 2023, From a 14x Award-Winning Digital Marketing Consultant 

If you haven’t known me for long, I’m always researching and looking more deeply into what’s happening in the marketing world to best serve my clients and deliver information as a business coach and business consultant.

This time we’re focusing on Facebook Ads. Facebook generated the biggest ROI in 2022 making it still one of the most popular social media platforms for advertising despite emerging other social media platforms – and this won’t slow down in 2023. So if you’re not promoting your business using Facebook, it’s time to hop on the Facebook Ads wagon.

However, it’s easy to become lost and overwhelmed using this platform without the right strategy. So today on the blog, I’ll be sharing with you the best tips on how to create powerful Ads in 2023 for your business. 

Ready? Let’s dive in.

  • Know & Understand Your Audience. I couldn’t stress this enough. It is crucial to keep learning and understanding your current and potential customers. One of the best features of advertising on Facebook is the lookalike tool. By using the lookalike tool your ad is delivered to people with similar qualities such as demographics, interests and behaviours as your target audience.

  • Start Small and Simple. Start with the basics. Don’t go for complicated ads when you’re just beginning. After you master the basics, you can then go for more advanced ads as you learn the platform better. I recommend starting with:
    • Promoting your page -  By promoting your page, you get to take advantage of FB’s algorithm to show your page to the right people which allows your business to get more attention to your target audience.  

    Make sure to enable the Call to Action” Button on your Page you can include a link to your website, blog, or products/services page. Facebook allows you to have up to seven CTA buttons but don’t go overboard with this one, keep it simple. Just include important information and let people know where to go next.

    • Create a simple CTA with one clear action - Again, tell them exactly what you want them to do next. Whether that’s “sign up” and enter their email into the lead generation ad, “shop now” and send them to a collection of your best-selling products or “send message” so they can send you a message on Messenger for more information about your services or offer.
    • Write a clear and conversational headline - Use this to further reinforce your CTA, and any vital/additional information here. Remove doubts, addressing buyer anxiety by removing/anticipating common buying objections. The audience is likely only going to see the first sentence of your ad so ensure that you have a strong hook and are capturing their attention in a split second - or you are likely to lose them and they’ll keep on scrolling past.
    • Check your formatting and placement - The formatting and placement of your ads are just as important as the description. Facebook ads offer different formats—images, videos, carousel and collections ads,  each one requires different design specifications. You can choose your Ad placement (the location where your ads can appear) in Facebook Feed side ads, Messenger ads, Instagram stories, instant articles, or Audience Network. 

    Bear in mind that your ad placement and format should always go together along with your CTA, description, and the goal of your ads (which we will talk about later). You can learn more about  Facebook Ads Guide and Recommendations here.

  • Pay Attention To Your Creative. Ads that have been well-crafted are more successful and effective rather than generic and plain ones. Creative ads inspire people, grab attention and make them click on your ads which naturally will enhance sales numbers. Here are some points to consider when creating your ad:
    • Originality
    • Relatability(Human connection)
    • Flexibility
    • Elaboration
    • Artistic Value

    If you want to learn more about this topic, check out my blog post on how to use the right messaging for your ads to drive sales.

    • Redesign your business page. While you’re at it, take a look at the overall design of your Facebook Page and make sure everything looks good and inline with your brand. Having an official Facebook Page makes it easier to advertise on Facebook. The Facebook Business Manager gives you insider access to analytics, statistics, and trends.
  • Study your Analytics. Familiarise yourself and get comfortable with Facebook analytics tool. When you know your analytics, you’ll be able to know how you can make adjustments to improve your campaigns.
  • Start with the basics like statistics and insights, then you can learn more advanced features as you go along.

    But if you'd rather let others study the analytics for you, you might want to enquire about our full service Facebook Ads management.

  • Review your objectives and goals. Clear goals help you better analyse and develop an advertising plan that works for your business. Whether the goal is brand awareness, generating more traffic, or increasing sales – make sure that you are clear on what you like to gain from creating your ads. This is one of the fundamental reasons Facebook asks you to select an objective for your campaign – so even Facebook is clear on what your objective is and how the system can provide the environment and tools you need to succeed.

  • Consider Building a Community. Building a solid community is a free and organic way of getting your potential customers. While it may take time and effort, it is beneficial in the long run. You can also boost your posts inside this community. By using a combination of paid and organic traffic, you can draw in people from different backgrounds, expanding your business’s reach.

    Using Facebook ads does not have to be intimidating and overwhelming. With the right strategy, you can leverage Facebook advertising for your business. And if things aren’t clicking and you need help from an expert, I'm always here to help. 

    With over 10 years of hands-on experience as a digital marketing and business consultant, I can help you create a killer marketing strategy. You can learn more about how we can work together to scale your business here or join the waiting list for my business consulting.

    In the meantime, happy advertising!

    x Olivia

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