OJC is Now Officially a Gorgias Premier Partner!

OJC is Now Officially a Gorgias Premier Partner!

OJC is Now Officially a Gorgias Premier Partner!

I come to you on the blog today with massively exciting news for Olivia Jenkins Consulting!

I’m so thrilled and proud to announce that OJC is now a Premier Gorgias partner.

It’s exciting to be recognised alongside so many other incredible experts bringing the best in class strategies to help DTC companies build long-lasting relationships and brands. 

We have been working with Gorgias as a platform for well over 4 years now and it’s provided a seamless customer service experience to the customers of the clients we serve. It’s the go-to option for an all-in-one help desk, live chat and robust ticketed customer support experience.

As a Premier Partner with Gorgias, OJC is able to provide our clients deliver a top-notch customer experience. Working with them has really helped our clients exceed their customer expectations from responding faster to resolve customer issues to getting more done with less and leveraging inquiries into sales.

If you’re not familiar with Gorgias, it is a powerful customer service tool for e-commerce businesses featuring built-in multi-channel helpdesk software. You can click here to learn more about how you can uplevel your customer experience with Gorgias.

I am so looking forward to this partnership with Gorgias, and I cannot wait to see what it brings to the table for my clients in 2023!


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