4 Launch Tips I Swear By

4 Launch Tips I Swear By

4 Launch Tips I Swear By

So, you’ve been preparing a new product or service behind-the-scenes for months. You know what you’ve created is something your target audience is going to drool over. The only thing left for you to do is actually launch your offer to the public.

Don’t panic! Even if it’s your first-ever launch, there are four foolproof tips I swear by as a business & marketing consultant that have helped myself and my clients have successful launches time and time again. 

Make sure everything is ready to go before launch day.

It doesn’t matter what you’re launching — being prepared is an absolute must. A common misconception about launching is that it begins the day you announce your new product or offer, when the truth is that you should be gearing up for your launch and getting all of your ducks in a row 6-12 weeks in advance. A great way to make sure you have everything you need for a successful launch in place is to use a launch checklist. This will allow you to keep track of your to-do list, launch timeline, promotional materials, and any related events as you gear up for your launch. 

Create amazing launch content.

Part of the secret to a great launch is getting your audience excited about what you have to offer. The best way to do this is through the content you’re putting out both in the weeks leading up to and during the actual launch. A few weeks before your official launch date, you should be teasing your audience about what’s to come and warming them up to the idea of your offer. During the launch, your goal is to generate buzz and show your audience WHY they need your product or service. Keep both of these outcomes in mind as you plan your content for your launch — and remember that video content is more popular than ever, so don’t be afraid to get on video and talk about your upcoming offer!

Give your customers an incentive to buy.

If you’re launching a brand-new product or service, offering some sort of incentive for your audience to buy can really boost your sales and get your offer in front of people who wouldn’t have otherwise given it a chance. This incentive can take the form of a freebie, discount, bonus, or something else entirely — it’s really up to you and whatever you feel comfortable with. This is an especially good route to take if you haven’t launched before and your audience is on the smaller side.

Don’t overcomplicate things.

Launching only feels overwhelming when you try to “reinvent the wheel” and execute a million different strategies. Instead, stick to a simple plan that you feel 100% comfortable executing, and rely on the advice of ONE trusted mentor. Launching is a highly individual experience and you’re much better off creating your own CUSTOM strategy versus trying to implement bits and pieces of advice from various people.

And there you have it — my foolproof, must-have tips to nailing your first-ever launch. 

Still overwhelmed? Don’t worry. The most important thing to remember is that launching is a skill, like piano or basketball. The more you practice, the better you’ll get. And if you really don’t feel ready to tackle your launch alone, I’m here for you! 

Let me know in the comments about your experience launching so far. Have you ever done it before? Are you preparing for an upcoming launch? I’d love to know!

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