2022 Marketing Trends You Need to Know About

2022 Marketing Trends You Need to Know About

2022 Marketing Trends You Need to Know About

I can’t believe 2022 is almost here! This year flew by. 

As I’m planning and preparing for what’s to come in the new year for my own business, it got me thinking about how so much has changed since I first got my start in the digital marketing world as a CEO. Not only has the online space evolved, but so has what informs consumer purchases and decisions.

If there’s one thing that’s important when it comes to having a leg up in the online world, it’s knowing how to market your business to your target audience in an effective and profitable way. So, today I wanted to dive into some of my own 2022 marketing trend predictions to help you start thinking about what to focus on when it comes to nailing your marketing in the new year.

Prediction #1: People will buy brands, not products.

Selling a strong product/service alone is no longer enough. More than ever before, consumers are wanting to invest their dollars into brands that they trust, believe in, and align with their core values while providing an exceptional product/service. This means elevating brand awareness, developing an active community, and building trust should be top-of-mind in 2022.

Prediction #2: Video content will continue to thrive on social media.

Between platforms like TikTok and features on Instagram like Reels and Stories, video content has seen a massive spike in popularity over the last few years that is only going to continue to increase. The need for quick, digestible content is highly prevalent on social media, so you should be focusing on implementing this crucial marketing tactic into your strategy by leveraging Reels and short videos that either entertain, educate, or solve a problem.

Prediction #3: COVID-19 will continue to affect consumer behavior.

The long shadow of COVID-19 will continue into 2022 when it comes to consumer trends and buyer behavior. Brands, products, and services will need to meet new consumer needs when it comes to convenience, innovation, and safety. This may mean a bigger push toward eCommerce sales and digital community, as well as “failsafe” policies that make consumers feel like they have nothing to lose when trying out your product/service (such as seamless returns, money-back guarantees, free samples/trial periods, etc). You can learn more about how to prepare your business for a post-COVID world here.

Prediction #4: Influencer marketing is going to gain even more relevancy.

Influencer marketing is set to become a $13.8 billion dollar industry in 2021 and only grow from there. The benefit of influencer campaigns is that they inherently provide context, familiarity and relevance to your audience if you pair up with the right influencers. Begin to look for opportunities to engage in influencer marketing in 2022. Start by making a list of influencers you think would appeal to your target demographic and are a realistic match for your business based on their popularity and your own budget.

Prediction #5: Hyper-personalisation set to become critical

Moving into 2022, we will see hyper-personalisation become critical for brands wanting to leverage key moments with their customers throughout the journey. 

Brands will abandon targeting segmented groups and implement a real-time interaction with ‘micro-moments’ embedded into the customer journey. In addition, it will become common practice for brands to use analytics and AI to assist them in delivering unique experiences for their customers. 

Let me know which of these marketing trends you’re the most excited to embrace in 2022! Here at OJC, I’m SO excited to focus more on cultivating major brand recognition through the new luxury look we have going on, plus roll out offers to serve my audience at every level.

Remember, if you’re wanting to work with me to start building your winning marketing strategy in the new year, you can apply for business consulting or book a triage call!

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